FITAID ZERO, No Artificial Flavors or Sweeteners, Keto-Friendly, Number 1 Post-Workout Recovery Drink, Contains Zero Sugar, BCAAs, Glucosamine, Omega-3s, Green Tea, 5 Calories, 12 Fl Oz (Pack of 12)


Whether you need a sugar-free alternative to post-workout recovery, are counting macros or just want a keto-friendly option that tastes great, fitaid zero is perfect for you!
Each can is made with only the good stuff, containing the high-quality ingredients & essential nutrients your body needs after intense physical activity or exercise, now with zero sugar.
A proud new member of the Life Aid family of products, fitaid zero is happily sweetened with Monk Fruit & Stevia and offers a refreshing citrus taste!

BCAAs, Glutamine
Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein and are essential to the repair of muscles and ligaments. Arginine and Glutamine help develop and maintain two types of strength: power for max effort lifts and speed for Olympic lifts. BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) reduce protein and muscle breakdown during intense exercise.
Omega-3s, CoQ10
Achievement of superior cardiovascular health is a major goal of any elite athlete. CoQ10 and Omega-3 EFAs are essential for cardiovascular health and to protect against coronary heart disease; However, due to their expense, you won’t typically find them in other sports drinks or vitamin products. Fortunately, FITAID ZERO is far from typical, so you can enjoy their benefits with every sip.
Glucosamine, Quercetin, Turmeric
The mechanics of high-intensity fitness training can lead to issues with joint and muscle inflammation, causing unnecessary pain and stiffness. Glucosomine is widely used for joint health, while Turmeric and Quercetin can help reduce that common post-workout soreness — so you’ll be ready to hit the gym again right away.
B Complex, Green Tea
A demanding WOD requires stamina and endurance along with bursts of intense power and speed. The B-vitamins provide consistent energy your body demands during an intense workout. Plus, the mild dose of natural caffeine provided by our green tea extract supplies the boost needed for quick movements and energy.
Vitamins C, D, E
Powering through an exhaustive workout creates tremendous stress on the body. Vitamin C, D and E are included in FITAID ZERO to help protect and fortify your immune system and speed your post-workout recovery.
Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium
Electrolytes regulate nerve and muscle function, our body’s hydration, and help rebuild damaged tissue – without any added Sodium.

Whether you need a sugar-free alternative to post-workout recovery, are counting macros or just want a keto-friendly option that tastes great, fitaid zero is perfect for you!
Each can is made with only the good stuff, containing the high-quality ingredients & essential nutrients your body needs after intense physical activity or exercise, now with zero sugar.
A proud new member of the Life Aid family of products, fitaid zero is happily sweetened with Monk Fruit & Stevia and offers a refreshing citrus taste!
We recommend drinking an ice-cold can immediately following your next wod, exercise or training session.
Sugar-free recovery for your active lifestyle: the fitaid zero recovery blend has essential vitamins & Nutrients your body naturally needs after any physical activity or exercise
Vitamins you’ll actually enjoy drinking!


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